Has your Snap Score suddenly frozen in Snapchat?
Snapchat users have reported that their Snap scores are no longer updating for whatever reason.
Seeing their snap score increase is a really great thing for Snapchat users, so it’s very annoying when the latest snap score is not displayed correctly.
But what is the reason for Snapchat freezing scores in the first place? Could it be an intentional thing, or could it simply be a bug? Here is a quick guide on why someone’s Snap score might freeze and what to do about it.
What is Snap Score?
A Snap Score reflects the level of activity and social engagement that you have on Snapchat. Although it cannot be used for anything, it is fun to see who among your friends is more active on Snapchat. Here are the factors that make up the Snap Score:
– Snaps you have sent or received
– Stories you have viewed or posted
– Discovered videos you’ve watched
– Number of friends you have
As a quick summary, Your Snapchat score serves as an ongoing tally of your activity on the app, such as the number of snaps you sent, snaps you received, users you added, stories you sent, and so on.
In fact, many Snapchat users compare Snapchat scores as a way of competing against each other or adding trophies to their Snapchat Trophy Cases.
Additionally, you’ll get a bonus if you send snaps to multiple people at once. Also, if you keep up your Snapchat streaks by sending Snaps to your friends, your score will increase.
How To Find Your Snap Score in Snapchat?
In case you have never looked at your Snap Score before, you might begin doing so right now, it’s quite simple.
The first step is to open the Snapchat app and navigate to the Profile screen (tap on your Bitmoji’s face or the circle icon on the top-left corner of the screen).
At the top of your profile you will see your Snap code, and underneath that is your display name, followed by the three pieces of information that will show up: your username, your Snap score, and your zodiac sign.

In this way, you can see your Snap Score along with other additional details related to your Snapchat profile.
How to Find Someone Else’s Snapchat Score
Are you interested in seeing how your score compares to that of a specific friend or celebrity? While there is no public leaderboard for Snapchat scores, you can check an individual’s score with very little effort.
Tap on a friend’s username to open a chat window. Then, tap on the Bitmoji icon in the top-right corner of the screen to send them a Bitmoji. It will open up a window that has their display name, their Snap score, and their username underneath in small black text.
If you can’t see someone’s Snap score, it’s likely that they have removed you from their friend’s list or that they have blocked you.
How to Get Your Snapchat Score Up
To earn Snap points, you have to use the app frequently and send snaps and interact with people, watch and post stories, and more.
Your best bet for improving your Snapchat score is to use the app as much as possible. With a bit of dedication, you can reach new heights in no time.
With that being said, it’s important for you to understand some of the common misconceptions about how to increase your Snapchat scores.
Additionally, sending text messages through the Snapchat app does not count toward your Snapchat score. Only video and photo Snaps will have an impact on your Snapchat score.
Why is my Snap Score Frozen?
Don’t panic if you don’t notice a change in your Snap Score right away after exchanging snaps.
There might be a slight delay before Snapchat is able to process your request and update your Snap Score on your profile dashboard.
However, if you do not see any changes to your Snap Score and it seems to be frozen, then the following are some possible reasons for why this might be happening.
1. Delay in Update: Don’t expect changes to happen immediately after exchanging snaps, as I stated above there might be a slight delay and it could take some time until Snapchat notices the changes for your Snap Score and applies them.
2. Slow Internet Connection: There is a possibility that the Snap Score is frozen as a result of your slow internet connection. In some cases, slow internet connections might take some time to reconnect to the Snapchat server before the server detects changes and make changes to your Snap Score.
3. You’re Using an Outdated Version of Snapchat: If you’re using an outdated version of Snapchat, this might be what’s causing your Snapchat Snap Score to freeze. The outdated versions of apps can contain a number of bugs and errors, including vulnerabilities therefore it is suggested to update your app to latest version.
4. Snapchat Server is Down: We have all experienced server down issues even with the most popular social media apps like Facebook, so it is not unusual for Snapchat servers to go down. It is possible for servers to go down for multiple reasons such as maintenance, updating apps, or DDOS attacks, and the only thing you can do it wait for them to become functioning again.
What Can You Do If Your Snap Score is Frozen?
Take a break and don’t worry about losing your score if you take a break. Your Snap score will remain same and can never go down at all. However, if you’ve been using the app regularly but haven’t noticed a change in your Snapchat score, don’t get too worried. Here are a few steps you can take to make sure all your effort doesn’t go to waste:
1. Make sure the version of your app you are using is the most recent one available.
2. Let it go for a few hours-maybe it’s just a glitch or perhaps Snapchat is experiencing technical difficulties at the moment.
3. Restart your phone and check the score again in the morning.
4. Contact Snapchat support in the event things go south In the worst-case scenario, Snapchat support might be able to assist you in your situation.
Scores on Snapchat can freeze when the server load is high, due to app maintenance and high loads on the server.
If users want to know the latest status of the Snapchat service, they can check the Snapchat Support Twitter account.
After a few hours, most freeze Snap scores will update itself if you wait.
At last, I hope you understand why Snapchat Snap Score freezes and how you can fix it. if you have any additional questions or suggestions, you can comment below or feel free to contact us.
Further Reading
How To See Mutual Friends On Snapchat