In 2016, Sony released PS4 Pro. This started a trend of introducing mid-gen console upgrades. PlayStation 4 Pro was technologically advanced that allowed users to play games in 4K resolution. This was a huge update that made playing multiplayer games fun as long as one is subscribed to a reliable ISP like Spectrum internet or the like.
As PlayStation 5 is nearing its year and a half anniversary on sale, people have begun to wonder if Sony is going to release the PS5 Pro. Well, no one really knows the answer to the question but considering how successful the launch of the PS4 Pro was, the company is most likely to launch PlayStation 5 Pro!
What to Expect from PS5 Pro?
Although the company hasn’t announced its plans to launch PlayStation 5 Pro, it hasn’t stopped the rumors. People are excited to know what the mid-gen console update is going to be about. And if you too are interested in knowing what PS5 Pro is going to offer, you are at the right place.
Let’s have a look at some of the things that you can expect from the PlayStation 5 Pro.

#1. PS5 Pro Design
Many people who own a PlayStation 5 will agree with the fact that the console is a bit hefty. Some will even say that it is a miracle that the console runs as cooly and quietly as it does. Considering how heavy the device is, it is rumored that Sony will be releasing PS5 Slim. And this rumor can very much come true. How?
Well, if you remember, the base version of PlayStation 4 looked and felt quite hefty as well. The company then released a slim model in 2016. Hence, they can do the same thing with PS5.
However, if Sony is aiming for 8K fidelity and other upgrades, they might not change the size. Nothing is really confirmed at this point, and it will be interesting to see what the company does.
#2. Release Date
A lot of passionate gamers and die-hard fans of the PlayStation were suggesting that PS5 Pro could be out in 2023 or 2024. However, this seems highly unlikely. Why? Well, there are already stock shortages that are impacting PlayStation 5 at the moment.
Thanks to COVID, there are not enough chips to produce more consoles to meet the demand. And although the internal chipset can be changed to build a refreshed PS5 Pro, which will eventually cool down the supply strain, Sony hasn’t made any active efforts to achieve that.
You should know that Sony released PS4 Pro three years after the launch of the base version of PlayStation 4. This step was taken to make the console more technologically sophisticated so that players can enjoy top performance. It was a necessary step to take. However, it’s unclear if PS5 Pro will really be necessary to release in 2023.
#3. Specs
It’s too early to predict what the specs of the PS5 Pro will look like. But have you noticed that there are some specific features that are missing from the base version of PlayStation 5? For instance, there is no 1440p support.
This means that those who own a 1440p monitor will have to have an output at 1080p so they can scale up. Also, there is no VRR (Variable Refresh Rate) support. This is a strange omission as the feature makes the performance better on TVs that are equipped with HDMI 2.1.
Although nothing is clear at this time, it will be great to have these two features on PS5 Pro.
Is PS5 Pro Needed Now?
There is no doubt that the PlayStation 5 Pro will change a lot of things for the better. But it is not needed now! However, there will be a need for it in a few years. This is because the PS5’s hardware would age which will cause problems in games like lower resolutions or frame rates.
A PS5 Pro can revitalize older games and would be having more horsepower to ensure the newer titles work just as smoothly as the old ones.
PlayStation 5 is a beast of a machine. It supports 4K gaming and allows gamers to play at 60 FPS which is amazing. Furthermore, the ray-tracing continues to wow people. This machine can also allow people to game at 8K resolution which is impressive. All this makes PS5 a must-have.
But people are also waiting for the release of the PS5 Pro. Of course, the mid-gen console update will only enhance the gaming experience. However, it is not clear if or when the model will see the light of day.
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